Dec 14, 2004 16:59
To start off, I woke up in Mike and Bern's room to prevent myself from not waking up in time for breakfast. As much as I enjoy Enya... listening to each and every one of her songs five times each just... you know... not good! So I probably got to sleep at 5:30 a.m. just to wake up at... 8:18 a.m. So we go and eat our breakfast and do our thing.
"So Mike, where's your Calc final?"
"Some crazy random hall out in the middle of nowhere..."
"Oh... I must be lucky! Mine's in Wells (the hall designated to the Math department at MSU)."
And we eat... and we enjoy... and we part ways. So I'm in my pajama pants, a hardcore snowboarding jacket and my tight green beanie. And... it's definitely 20* outside so the pajama pants were not a good decision. Whatever, not like I'll die after a ten minute walk.
I arrive at Wells hall Room B104... yes B104, it's in my phone I have it right here... this IS were I'm supposed to be... or not.
Yeah, I was early, and yes I was even studying before she handed out the exam. I'm even happier that they fail to label the front of these exams. I took my time filling in my name, section number, and PID. And then... I opened the test at 10:00 a.m. (the time my final begins). And I guess I'm super freekin smart cause this is a Calc III exam and NOT a Calc I exam.
"[whisper] Excuse me... ahem... I'm pretty sure I'm not in this class."
"Oh yeah? What class are you in?"
"Ummm... MTH 132 (and not MTH 312)."
"Ohhhh... well just hand me your stuff."
"(Uhuh, der) Okay, ummm... do you know were my exam is being held?"
"I'm sorry but I have no idea."
"Alright, thank you (for nothing!)."
I about cried. But I'm a big strong man and big strong men don't cry, right? So now I'm thinking, 'Mom and Dad are going to kill me... I failed my first final of college?' No, sir! I'm gonna answer one question on my real exam if it's the last thing I do. So I open my handy-dandy notebook and read what my teacher told us to write down. (scroll, scroll) Aha! For makeup exams only the day before report to Wells Hall B104?! Ummm... (scroll up) The final will be held in the Natural Soil Building (something like that). Wow... no shit, where is this place?
A smart person would ask someone... but would also expect a response. No one knew where the Natural Soil Building was!!!
I finally bump into a lady headed from the parking lot. I remind you she's coming from the parking lot.
"Excuse me... do you know where the Natural Soil Building or something like that is?"
"Ummm... yes that's way over at the other end of campus."
"No way! My exam starts now and I need to be there!"
"Oh geeze! Yeah, that's a far walk... about a half a mile!"
"Oh man! Could you do me a huge favor and give me a ride there?"
"I'm sorry, I don't have a car (cause I like to lie to young men... about everything, my age, etc.)!"
That's fine... swallow hard. I'll be the dork that runs down cars and begs for a ride. Although I AM unlucky as shit and couldn't manage to find anyone that knew where it was. Or they just didn't want to give me a ride... just maybe.
I ran ALL the way there... and I was twenty minutes late. My professor smiled at me as I gasped for air and reached my ice block hand out for an exam. She gave and I received... and boy was she good. Seriously, she handed it to me briskly!
I'll start with the ones worth the most points! Common... oh shit I don't know any of this. Exam finishes... I finished all of my questions and even have time to double check them. The moral of this story is: do not drink coffee and listen to Enya before going to sleep; you'll show up at the wrong exam.