As some of you may know, lj has an image feed that displays recent posted images, and a few communities now gather and post these images. I have opted this community out of lj's image feed, so if you post icons/graphics etc here you can rest assured they're not being grabbed and hotlinked via the feed.
One particular guy,
iconscraper, is automated--he's set up a program to scan the feed LJ sends out which has people's icons on it. This process means that he hotlinks to all the icons he "scrapes" up. He think's there is nothing wrong with what he's doing and is pissed off that people are pissed off that he's stealing their icons and their bandwith. What a charmer, eh?
Anyhow, there is a way to keep people like him from linking to your icons/images and stealing both them and your bandwidth.
To remove your own journal from these feeds go to
The Admin Console and input type set latest_optout yes and click on the execute button. Make sure that you are logged into LJ when you do this.
If you run a community, type set for communityname latest_optout yes, replacing 'communityname' with the plain text name of your community (no lj code).