Jun 10, 2009 14:37
Summer started a week ago, it seems I've only been sleeping. Well, I needed the rest, that is true. Still, its time to get into high gear and start moving once again.
I have possibly very exciting news coming up concerning an internship/freelance job with the Museum of Science and the University of Miami. I will know for sure Tuesday of next week. I need to decide first how much would I be charging for what they want me to do. Is quite a lot for the time they want it for...but we will see what I decide at the end. Also, there is a possibility of doing a few illustrations for the Museum of Science and their exposition on Heart health starting in the Fall. "keep my fingers crossed" :D
On other news, I'm officially listed as a temporary member in a GYM near my house. I need to start going once again, its definitely true that when I go I feel so much more energized and pumped up for the day ahead. Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, June 11th, I will start once again in the morning. yeii!! :)
Time to clean....over and out!