May 19, 2011 12:50

 For those of you saying, "OMG who are you?" allow me to re-introduce - I'm the girl who was barely active for a while then became very inactive....but I still read all your posts and love them (even if I don't always comment...shame, shame I know....)

But I'm back because I have a huge favor to ask....can I get a beta for a spec script for SPN?  I promised myself three years ago I would write a screenplay - and I signed up to go to a conference again this year for scriptwriters....I don't want it to be year 2 of showing up empty handed....not that it really matters - I had a fabulous time last year and think I will again - it is more for my own sanity of accomplishing one of my goals.

Here are the big caveats - of course, I have put this off until the last possible moment.  I have no high, medium, or even low expectations for this - there will be no CW or SPN folks at this conference.  BUT I do want to turn in something that isn't so horrible that my name is associated with know, for whenI finally do write my masterpiece!

I chose SPN because it is the show I watch the most so I feel I have the best grasp on it.  What I need to do is mirror the feel of the show and provide semi-decent writing.....I optimistically think I can do that.

What I would love for help would be anyone who could read it (It will be done on Sunday) and say "Doesn't work" - "add this" "take this out" "out of character" "couldn't ever imagine happening on SPN..." etc.....

Any takers??

And in other news - life it TX is going well - Hubby and I made it past the 1 year mark - the first month I kept thinking...."When are you going home!??!" and we are doing well - it is a heck of an adjustment though - and I feel like my free time has been cut in half - which is probably because it has!  I do eat a lot better now - he doesn't think that PB&J makes for a good dinner....and definitely not two nights in a row!  And the dogs have been given furniture privileges as well a new addiction to people food....guess I know who the spoiler will be if we ever have kids!  7 years of ruling my pups lives with an iron fist (ok, not really - but I was firm on the people food and furniture) and it was all undone in a week......

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