Sep 17, 2009 12:46
Ok. I like cream on my oatmeal. Hot Chewy Oatmeal with walnuts, brown sugar, and a bit of real cream.
I bring it to work in a little container, smaller than a cup measurer. Afterward, there is some left over.
A few weeks ago, I tried shaking the container, and voila, whipped cream. I put it on my dessert.
It became habit.
Today, I did not have oatmeal, so I had more cream. Goody! I thought. More whipped cream. I sealed and shook the container. I shook it until the sound of liquid went away, and a little more. But then the sound of liquid came back. I shook a bit more. And a bit more.
Finally I opened the container.
Sweet, creamy butter, sitting in a mini puddle of whey.
KayteCat Invents the at-work micro-dairy.
Now all I have to do is find some bread. Anyone want some fresh churned butter?