May 30, 2009 07:23
It''s georgeous out, a glorious late-spring day, and I'm, sick in bed. With a fever and bugged-out eyes, and other stuff you probably don't want to know about.
Between May Day weekend, and an art show the following weekend, and Wiscon, I haven't had time to wash my dishes, and I haven't a clean fork or spoon in the house, but I'm too sore to stand and wash them.
And the garden is crying for me to weed it, and mow the lawn, and remove the dead squirrel from the front lawn, and mulch the new shade garden under the elm, etc etc.
I'm hungry and live alone, so have no one to cook for me. And don't want to be contagious to any of my friends right now, so I have to GET UP and cook stuff for myself. And wash dishes to put it in. Being sick when you live alone sucks.
Whine whine whine.
I could really use a brownie right about now. Or a house elf. Anyone got a house elf they could lend me?
Thanks for reading. Or skipping. I just really needed to whine for a bit. Done now.