Computer Woes

Oct 30, 2008 09:13

I fell asleep last night with my computer running.

I woke up with a black screen, and the same words, repeating over and over.  It was night.  I don't really remember them.  Something about unable to find a particular piece of hardware for networking.

So I shut it down.

Now, windows won't start.

Nanowrimo starts in two days.

I've been meaning to buy a new laptop...  I guess it's time:  today.

Last backup... who the heck knows.  My DVD burner stopped working some months ago.  My external hard drive started acting flaky.  I do email the most important files (writing) to myself.

However... My quicken backup is months old.  as is my art inventory and sales database.  sigh.

I believe I backed up my tax file.  I hope.  I had not had a chance to print it after filing in September.

I had not yet erased my photographs off my flash drives, so I think those are safe.  However, I am not sure about the most recent backups on CD/DVD, as they were burned on the wonky drive.

I hate obsolescence.


it's off to Circuit City I go, after work.


obsolescence, computer, the importance of backups

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