Today, there was the first of the Winter Sunshine Traffic. This is the effect that slows the freeway traffic down to 20 mph because the winter sun is low enough to glare directly into the windows. No tree leaves to soften the effect. Just glare. No one can see anything. I wear sunglasses so I can see somewhat, and wish my fellow drivers did too.
On the other hand... Sunshine. It was glorious. The feel of my pupils contracting in response gives me an endorphin rush. The happy pleasure makes me want to gaze at the horizon, just to feel it. Trees, Sky, BRIGHT.
I've been inside too much. Missed this. Too bad I can't write and go for a walk at the same time. I think it might cause accidents. And vertigo. And be difficult, since I like to write on my computer. But, what a rush, to have sunshine in my eyes. And on my skin. And the joy of gazing to a distant spot, instead of the computer screen two and a half feet away.
Sometimes I want one of those
keyboards you can belt around your waist like a marching band drumset.