Nov 13, 2011 22:32
Being that I only find it entertaining to post on my live journal once every like 4 years, here we go.
Last entry- IGNORE. I broke up with josh 3 years ago. (ROUGHLY one month after i posted my last entry on this website lol) He probably the biggest low life ever. FOR EXAMPLE, never working or helping me pay the bills, (yes I paid for everything the 4 years we were together) also putting me in the hospital. I wont go into detail on that one. But whatever, hes gone. I am now with Neal, (yes the guy i always ranted and raved about on here for so long it probably made any one who read my journal want to puke.) Ive been with Neal for 3 years, and we live together. Its not that magical fairy tale that I always wanted, but really, who even gets that these days? And if you have a perfect relationship- you know what? Something is probably wrong. I am really starting to hate facebook, as I do not like venting on there because everyone sees it. And on my live journal, theres probably like 1 person left that could even read my page- so I will be posting on here more frequently. I have a year and a half left of school and i will be an RN, with my AS degree. Soon after, Ill continue to go to school to get my bachelors. I know it took awhile, but with my ex boyfriend ever working I never had time for school. Im still living in shitty ass sanford, but I dont really hang out with many people because they are not the best kind of people to be around. Ive grown up so much now and its really weird to look back on all these posts and see how much Ive grown. WHY DIDNT ANY ONE EVER TELL ME TO S.T.F.U. and stop acting so obsessive?? For real, all those posts about neal and how much i WHINED- someone could of done me a favor lol. I guess I got what I always wanted though now. Hes my bestfriend, and the love of my life. Theres so much more I want to post about but I need to go to bed, 14 credit hours, and working full time doesnt leave me much "free time."