Jan 10, 2008 23:55
Anyone want some dishes?
I'm still going through things to see what I really don't need to bring with me when I move. I got to a tub of dishes. They're old, technically antiques. I'd try to sell them online, but I really don't want to take the time to take pictures of each one and set everything up for it. Plus most of them have little chips out of them or something, so if antique collectors are looking, they probably wouldn't buy them anyway. Most of them are random...a few of the little plates match each other, and a couple cups match each other, and so on, but not many. However, I don't really want to just drop them off at a thrift store either because there's kind of a story behind them. Apparently one of my great grandparents collected them. When she died, my other great grandmother from mom's side got them and gave them to my mom at some point. When my mom moved, she didn't want to get rid of them but she knew she didn't have room for them either, so I said I'd keep them. And they've stayed in the tub in a closet ever since.
So if anyone wants them, you can have them. You can try to sell them online or whatever, I'd just like to know that they go to somewhere other than a random thrift store, at least at first. Most of them are white with some sort of rose print, and most of them have a gold (real gold, not just coloring) edging. They fill a foot by foot by foot-and-a-half size box.
That's all for today.