Three of my favorite people. ... Emily looks as if she's in pain.
Chris seems to be saying, "Please, save me from these pathetic morons we call friends."
Sometimes I worry that I'm too weird.
Then I hang out with these two.
And my life seems normal again.
Look, I even managed to make the flowers smile.
Emily needs to practice her grill in the mirror. Seriously.
But that girl sitting next to her? Uhm, hottiiiiieeee.
Cute. Adorable. Occasionally innocent. The one, the only, my Everest.
"I just want to cuddle with it."
"Yeah, and have it rip you to shreds."
"That's okay. It can cuddle with my mangled body, just as long as we cuddle."
Look at how red the highlights are in her ponytail.
Love. Total love.
You can just back away.
It's mine.
This bird loved us. A lot. For absolutely no reason.
The shades of blue on his wings were brilliant.
"Who's a pretty bird? Who's a pretty birdie? Are you? Are you a pretty birdie?"
My Love Life.
The End.