T- Who did you first LARP as?
- When and where did you first LARP?
September 1997 - AH Stephens
- When and where was the last time you LARPed?
Last year - SGA
- Some of your more notable LARP characters?
Don't know about notable but Zarra, Arianna, Kaylin, Lorelei, just some clown
- Who is your favorite character to LARP as?
Kaylin currently but I do miss the dark elf still
- Who is your dream LARP character?
Gotta go with something with an almost YES I CAN card
- How many of your friends LARP?
A Couple =)
- Have you ever walked around in public in your LARP outfit?
Yep, scared the hell outta some clerk when I was in makeup....hehe
- Do you make your own boffers?
I have, prefer not to
- Ever used an ultralite? What do you think?
Yep, works get for us old folks LOL
- Have you ever made your own LARP outfit?
Only a tabard and it was a bit special.
- What was your favorite LARP experience or memory?
Zarra's 2nd ressurection...YAY Lightning
- What is your worst LARP experience or memory?
Broken ribs...Booooo
- When and where did you first learn of LARPing?
1991 friends, but had to wait till I came back from the military to actually get to play
- What did you think of it then?
Sounded like a lot of fun
- What do you think of it now?
Great fun....wish I could play more
- Do you plan your LARP outfits/characters way before you're meant to use them?
- Ever have something terrible happen to your outfit/props/weapon?
Not that I can think of.
- What is the best thing about LARPing?
Getting to be more than me....hangin out with friends.
- What is the worst thing about LARPing?
Cold weather and really hot weather....somewhere in the middle is just perfect
- Why do you LARP?
It's a chance to get a way for a while and forget the lovely world we all live in