LJ tells me it has been 11 weeks since my last posting. To be fair, you know how things are when I'm working! And I just started my summer break, this past Monday. After the teachers left, I attended a primary sources workshop at the Library of Congress. I got to go down into the bowels of the LOC and look at George Washington's farm journals. I'
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Actually, I was wondering if you were interested in having coffee with Pamela - I don't know what terms you are on with her, but she and I got along fine when we met in Antwerp in (whatever year it was).
You're not the only one with the older-slash idea - one advantage about writing in the Holmes/Watson fandom is that it is canon that the two of them knew each other until quite late in their lives, and there is a definite sub-genre of "old guys" slash. :D A friend of mine has done some lovely pictures of them as definitely senior citizens, yet still in a caring and physically affectinate relationship.
I've been somewhat up and down in my own mental state lately - after three years of study into Asperger's Syndrome I have finally confirmed that I not only passed it on to James, but have it in a mild-to-moderate degree myself. This explains a truly remarkable number of things about what's always gone on inside my head, which in some ways is good news, but it's forced me to rearrange how I see myself, so I've been very turned inwards.
In better news, Sara has been admitted to *the* premier girls' high school in the state (entry via competitive examination only) and we're immensely proud of her. *giggle* She and I made them a tapestry over the summer to celebrate. It's the first time I've ever shared a canvas with anyone. She's done a couple of small pieces before, so I knew she was up to standard. Again, it's very much a unique work - that's the school crest in the centre panel.
At this time, there isn't a problem--Howevver, I've made a committment to some teacher related workshops (TBA). If that interferes, I *have to attend*. Hopefully, I won't have those until October!
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