So we're sitting here watching tv and suddenly we get this short Wham! that rattles the windows. We look at each other. "Earthquake." We resume watching tv. My computer was in the process of charging up so I waited awhile, then after I got it up again went over to
Did You Feel It? and sure enough, there was a 3.2 earthquake in the general area. In fact quite close - about 12 km down and 3 or so south (or roughly under the intersection of Lincoln and South Manchester blvds.). Hence the jolt instead of rolling. Wonder if this is the most hits DYFI has ever gotten on an earthquake that small. I left my own comment (yes I felt it, no nothing broke). Must say I hope I never encounter a more significant earthquake at that range. I think my biggest surprise was the way car alarms all around the area stayed silent; usually any earthquake sets 'em all off.