Sep 13, 2009 17:00
well, at first i was so excited to move into my apartment and live on my own for real, not just in a dorm, but i have to say it's not that great. it's just me and amber and although i love amber, we are so so different and it's hard living together sometimes. i am always bored and always alone because all my friends from last year left me. i miss my boyfriend. and surprisingly miss my parents. i have no money. at all. and i can't find a job. i am seriously considering transfering to ball state next semester. i know i was so against it at first, but i'm paying for school all on my own basically and i would rather walk out of college and start my life instead of being barried in debt. by transfering i will save around ten thousand dollars a year, i'd say that's worth it. besides the fact that there is nothing keeping me in evansville. i don't even want to do my work. i don't have any friendships that actually have substance. and i need that. i'm pretty sure i have made up my mind. and i'm at peace with it. i don't care if others disagree. i have to do what my heart tells me to do and what makes me happy. if others are going to be mad at me for that, then oh well. it happens.