Jan 31, 2007 23:35
i am gonna stop being so slack and start postin in here more often :D
i am sooo slack its not funny..
but all is good here atm. kids are all good, growing up waytooo fast :(
kaddiesha is in grade 6 and has the same teacher she had for grade 4 wich is awesome :D she is a great teacher and soooo approachable froma parents point of veiw....
Kaysie is in grade 2 and has the same teacher she has last year which is also great.. mrs G isstrong willed and can handle kaysie well :D she also picked up on a few probs and we are sorting them out thanks toher help :D she is givin kaysie the best chance i really appreciate that :D
Blake is a lil turd lol he still goes to day care and is startingto be a big boy at drop off time :D his attitude is drivin me nuts but then he turns around and is just sooo loveing and sweet ijust cant stay mad at him lol...
Shaylee and Shameeka are nearly 7 mo :( where the time has gone i have no idea :( they are sitting up really well :D and both love tittie plus solids :D they will give anything a try.. they are both beautiful lil girls with awesome personalities :D
i know i am soo lucky to have 5 wonderful healthy children and for that i am forever grateful :D
thats all for now :D
love an hug s:D