My week in review...

Oct 23, 2009 11:23

well Monday after the house was cleaned, I went and collected Mark from him mum and dads and he actually slept in his own bed again. The family were pleased to have him home again, and of course we were all pleased to be feeling well again. The house has a complete airing, to get rid of any lingering 'bugs'.

Tuesday we were back to Monash for Mark's weekly check-up and blood test, which we got the results of later that day - yay! His bloods had risen to 112, but that was after five blood transfusions and a massive dose of anti biotics and antibodies. He actually went for a roll - up at bowls that afternoon he was feeling so good.

Wednesday I had to travel back to Melbourne for a check - up to do with my teeth (or lack of them LOL) all went well, and I got a phone call from Mark on the way home to ask if I was up to going out for lunch when I got home, since Cailee was already in kinder. So off to the Savoury Duck Deli for lunch - an all day breakie - yum!!

Saw Mel's ex- Dane with his girlfriend. I didn't mean not to smile and wave but for a moment I was sure who he was... alzheimers strikes again, that and the fact I am trying not to smile in public lest I scare small children. ;o)

One fact I didn't like about Wednesday's trip to the city was the fact I got a Seniors Concession for the trip. So the whole trip only cost me $3.50 and a severe dent to the ego. I must look over 55 with no teeth and the grey hair coming through, so I tried my hardest to irradicate some of it last night, by dyeing my hair. I have some before shots - minus smile - which I will upload later.

Thursday was Final General Assembly for the year 12's at the secondary college, so Mark, Peter and I went to see Aimee and Kirsty give their final speeches as School Captains. They did really well, but man, I don't remember school assemblies lasting for 2 bloody hours!!!

This morning it was my turn to play nurturing mum and take Mel to the dentist surgery for her wisdom teeth removal. Lucky bugger only has two, but it's gonna cost almost $2,000 to have them out!!

Before we left Mornington though, we stopped to watch the kids having their muck-up day at school. I don't know who were having the most fun, the kids or the teachers. It was a scream to see the men running around in their shirts and ties, covered from head to toe in whatever concoctions the kids had come up with.

I know Aimee's stuff consisted of anything that was in the cupboard that was near use-by date, including the suspect beef steak's I had defrosted that looked a tad too old, for me to use in cooking. And then last night she tipped in a large tin of seafood type cat food to the already putrid mix. A dozen eggs, and goodness knows what else her and Kyra took with them this morning.

The smell from the school oval was disgusting, I was just glad Mel and I didn't have to stay any longer than we did. Some kids were throwing chicken guts around, and one boy was dousing everyone with rancid tomato sauce, which we could small from 10 metres away.

They all seemed to have a great time, and it was brilliant to see just how well all the kids and their teachers were getting on. Wow, made me kinda nostalgic for school. They have their Valedictory tonight, and then until next Friday they all have to study hard for their first exam - English.

Good luck to the Graduating Class of 2009 - Mornington Secondary College.

And for now, that's ciao from me.

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