Jan 16, 2009 17:12
so, as part of our course we can do an elective 4 day trip to Tuscany (at our own extra cost) BUT I just recieved an email that said that cost would be increased to pay for the staff.
no. I'm sorry, I wasn't planning on going anyway (planned trip to Italy Kathryn this summer), but I won't be caught dead letting these people take even more money from me so they can point me in the direction of a museum.
buy a MAP people. They're wonderful, beautiful things.
Side note, I'm totally going to France this spring! I'm really really excited! I got a guide book today! Now I just need to figure out how to make a budget since I FAIL at all things math related.
Despite that today was kind of crappy, the weather is horrible and last night was wretched (despite a lovely phone conversation to CA at 1am). Hoping the weather clears up soon.
I also had to buy 3 text books today because 2 giant jerks went to the library and checked out all the books we need to do the next assignment. We don't have regular text books, they just keep a couple copies in the library and hope we share. I could recall them, but I wouldn't get them until 2 days before the assignment is due. Useless by that time. I ended up pay over 60 pounds total, so its not as bad as it could have been, but still. grrr.