The further adventures of Snuggle Pea.

Jun 08, 2010 14:43

While I was engrossed in journal land Bea got all dressed up and accompanied Grandad for a walk on the moors with Molly this morning. She wore her little wellies and waterproof puddle suit and rode in the jogging stroller. When they returned I heard that they had been to see lots of Dartmoor ponies and sheep, and had examined many trees on their journey. Bea didn't stay in the stroller and Grandad and grandaughter pottered through the bracken and gorse together after Molly.

Three hours later it was time for a very sleepy Beatrice to have a nap. I went to put her into her bed and looked around for Snuggle Pea. Hmmm, couldn't find her. I was hunting through the house for her with no luck. This is when Grandad piped up "Oh, Bea had Snuggle Pea on the moors!"

Yes, you've guessed it. Snuggle Pea went for a walk with Bea up onto the Pimple, but did not make the return trip.

I've just got back from scouring the route they took. Grandad went one way and directed me to attack it from the other direction. My search was fruitless and I was getting very worried when I came across man and dog picking their way through the sheep paths towards me with no Snuggle Pea in hand. Then, there, just as we rejoined company, lay the little blue sleeping doll off the track and amongst the young ferns. Thank goodness for that. Molly got to her first and gave her a good poopy jaw kiss, lovely.

We found her just in time. As we walked back to the lane the dry interlude ended and it started to rain heavily once more.
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