Dec 28, 2009 07:54
I do have Treasure World and am going on a hunt to CT to find more hot-spots! (Due to a trip to grandma's in Ephrata, I garnered 241 yesterday. I'll return with an updated number.) So I understand all the people who said that it rocked just to hear all the little pings ("ooh! Found another!") but I think reading the names people give their wifi networks is soo much more fun. I think I need to get a little notebook and keep track of the great ones. I caught the PA-Renfaire Gate yesterday.
Anyway Dear LJ, I will be gone for the next week. I will return on January 3. Blue will say Hi to Nana for you all. (My grandmother loves the cat. I think she has given up on great-grandkids from us for the time being and settles for a grand-kitty. Blue thinks Nana's house is awesome. It has more people and Nana makes her delicious treats like lamb.)