Mar 08, 2010 18:56
There's been a lot of changes around this house. I'll go more into detail about that later on sometime this month or next month but for now, I'll just say that I really need to start saving some money. Therefore, I'm going to have to start making some drastic changes to the way I spend my money. Here's what's going to happen:
I am only eating out only ONCE per week. The only exceptions are special events (e.g. birthdays) or if I can get free food. Once I eat out, that's it for me for the week. I will decline every offer to eat out, period.
I also cannot have any more random sleep overs at my brother's house. This is coming from me and it's not something decided by my brother. Honestly, I don't mind people sleeping over at the house but this is bad for me because of the reason listed above (i.e. getting food to eat when everybody starts waking up). People can still come over but at the end of the night, they're going have to go home. The only exception to this is if the sleep over is planned out in advance (e.g. late night concerts) or if it's an emergency.
There's been a lot of shit going on lately around this house. So much that sometimes, I don't even know what to start on first. I'm sure my whole family will get through this like always. I mean, it's not like it's the end of the world... yet. Now, if only I can somehow get rid of this urge to punch a certain someone in the face.