
Sep 29, 2012 18:37

Mari A 12:16:24
why don't you do something with a 1930s Jack the Ripper?

Mari A 12:16:43
or the kick-ass female private eye thing?

Mari A 12:17:10
with either one of the Annes or Caroline as the P.I.

Or maybe a female P.I. compound?

Mari A 12:18:16
Or how about Darcy discovering that Lizzy is a mankiller, and then becoming her latest victim when she realises he's on her trace? He could be called into the case by Jane, who's fiance Bingley has disappeared - Jane doesn't know that Lizzy disembowelled him

Mari A 12:21:29
No P&P. I really don't want to do P&P. Again.
hm, how then about Crawford fancying himself being a big macho P.I. but really being totally incapable and his cases are all solved by his secretary Frances Price?

Mari A 12:22:33
whilst Crawford sits in his office all day and checks how his hat sits in a mirror.

That might also work with Sir Walter and Anne instead. And Elizabeth would come into the office now and again trying to look fatale and mysterious and speaking in a hoarse voice, but it usually ends when Anne offers her a cough drop

Mari A 12:24:30
Fanny Price-the-secretary knits fluffy lavender sweaters and has gold-rimmed spectacles on a chain around her neck and usually wears tweed skirts and a twin-set and then badooom! at night she puts on a trench-coat and one of Crawford's hats (and they look so much more sinister on her) and she shakes her hair into loose curls and applies dark red lipstick and then she's a vamp stalking gangsters in alleyways and pokering with them all night until they give up their secrets

Mari A 12:28:51
oh, how about Catherine being convinced that Henry's a hard-boiled P.I. and trying to go all vamp for him and convinced that the General is Al Capone or something?

Mari A 12:33:11
what if Catherine gets it wrong and the General is the lone moral star and P.I. and Henry is Al Capone?


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