
Nov 24, 2011 04:36

It's sad when employees feel they need to defend a store that lets them take off on Thanksgiving. All of Thanksgiving.

When I was checking out at the food co-op (after being attacked by a rock disguised as a loaf of bread, but that's another story) I asked if the store was open on Thanksgiving. The clerk said no and took a breath starting into Friday and defense and when I cut her off saying "Good" she paused, blinked, and then just smiled and waved good night looking relieved.

And this is at the co-op, which I could easily see being open in the morning as a grocery store, and would have more community-minded shoppers.

I didn't really intend to go shopping on Thanksgiving. After reading about when employees are having to report for work at box stores in order to work Black Friday sales that start Thanksgiving evening or earlier (Friday does NOT start at 8pm on Thursday, I'm sorry, it doesn't) and loosing out on their family time at Thanksgiving--I would never consider it.

Friday my mom and I will be wandering around downtown Champaign starting at a reasonable time in the morning (10:30ish, probably--after L's morning feed). I hope to buy a few things, get my ring cleaned, and actually see some nice holiday decorations (unlike the malls, which haven't had good decorations in ages). I am trying to buy gifts local this year, from locally-based stores, but some are just impossible to find. I'm hoping if more people buy local some stores will pop up with the unique and odd type of gifts I really like to find. Things like what Uncommon Goods carries online. I can hope, can't I? I at least shall buy some tea.

On the bright side, it only took 3 stores but I found whipping cream. Good grief! That isn't something I'd have wanted to buy too far in advance. We have a HUGE carton of it, but it was the LAST one. Someone else will have to hit 4 stores. :P Maybe we'll experiment with flavored whipping cream to use it up. Creme de Menthe whipped cream on hot cocoa anyone?

Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and help let everyone else do the same!
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