Dec 02, 2004 08:26
Saphtastic: so I got this job last night right
Saphtastic: like 40 pages
Saphtastic: all they wanted changed was 2004/2005 to be 2005/2006
Saphtastic: and like a form added to the end that was a lot like the other forms in the document
Saphtastic: we'd done this job last year
Saphtastic: all the branch sent us was a pdf file
Saphtastic: the pdf file wouldn't open properly into illustrator
Saphtastic: I tried editting the numbers in acrobat and it wouldn't let me
Saphtastic: Brian or Janelle quoted them at $150
Saphtastic: Basically if I had done it, it would have taken me all night of copying from acrobat into word and reformatting it
Saphtastic: I was not going to do this for $150
Saphtastic: I called the branch and talked to them and told them this
Saphtastic: and told them what I tried
Saphtastic: They didn't even /have/ any files
Saphtastic: I also tried opening the old files from archieve
Saphtastic: but they were corrupted or the disk was corrupted, either way, it wouldn't let me open them
Saphtastic: So, like 10 minutes ago, Brian comes over to me with the job
Saphtastic: says "You couldn't do this?"
Saphtastic: and I say "not for what's charged on it, I couldn't"
Saphtastic: and he says "Can't you just edit hte numbers in acrobat?"
Saphtastic: and I say "Tried that, wouldn't work"
Saphtastic: and he's like "Oh, well me and Mike were able to do it yesterday"
Saphtastic: and I say "Look, I wouldn't have put it on hold if I was able to do it that way or any other way that would make it worth that much money. "
Saphtastic: and he walks away
Saphtastic: Now answer me this
Saphtastic: Why, since they took this job for a 24 hour turnaround, if Mike and Brian were able to figure out how to do this in acrobat; I'm sure it took them a while to figure it out too; did Mike not just do the job in the first place?
Saphtastic: We've been ahead in jobs for the last 2 weeks. It is not like there was a rush for him to do anything else.