Nov 22, 2009 00:55
To The Writers of Viruses, Trojans, and Other Malware:
Thank you oooh-so much for the amazing clutter of crap that has somehow managed to descend upon my PC, despite the plethora of antivirus and antispyware software I run. Particularly the authors of Alureon and Packed.Win32.Krap.x -- you guys have truly managed a wonder of impossible-to-remove horseshit. Please accept my invitation to visit a local coffee house with me, where I might apply their finest, most scalding brew to your face and genitals.
No, really. After your hard work in fucking my machine, you deserve it.
P.S. -- Was it one of you lads who managed to render my computer incapable of starting up in Safe Mode now? If so, please allow me to add a hearty, "Fuck. You. Fuck you sideways in the ear."