my day

Feb 01, 2005 20:53

my day has been somewhat entertaining. i don't have classes at all on tuesdays this semester. it is actually kind of odd. i felt so lost and confused all day because i didn't have any classes to go to...i'm sure that feeling will be gone soon. i will need that one day in the middle of the week to get some rest.

i went to the hospital this morning to fill out some paper work for my new job!!! i will be working in the long term care wing of murray calloway county hospital, beginning next week. i am excited. it will be hard because those cute little old people are going to LTC to die. but i think it will be very good for me. it will be a wonderful learning experience. yay for a job! we'll see how long i am saying that...

after i left the hospital, i dropped off my scholarship application. hopefully they will give me some money!!! i deserve it...

jessica and i then went to lunch. i hadn't seen jess in awhile and it was good times to go to pizza hut. it was like old times. then we had some good laughs over old times.

then it was back to the hospital for my physical and drug screen. the physical was A-ok. the drug screen sucked. i had no fears of failing the drug screen. but i could not pee in that damn cup to save my life!!! i normally have no problems peeing - most of the time, i am running to the bathroom at least once an hour. oh no - not today. my bladder decided to be uncooperative. i was in the dr's office for a good 2 hours trying to pee. agh. finally i peed enough to count. i passed the drug test and i was on my way. but it was very frustrating. agh!

ok - there is enough random babble about my day. now here's a survey for everyone's reading enjoyment.

Here's what you're supposed to do. And don't spoil the fun. Copy this entire thing and paste it into a new live journal entry that you will modify; Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then try to get a bunch of other people to fill it out too.

The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you.

1. What time is it? 854pm
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Katie Ellen Hellams
3. Nickname: Katie Bug, K-Ho
4. Parents' names: Tommy and Tena
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 20
6. Date that you regularly blow them out: August 21
7. Pets: a golden retriever, Lucy
8. Hair color? light brown
9. Piercing: doubled ears and cartilage
10. Eye color: blue
11. Hometown: Belton, SC
12. Current residence: Murray, KY
13. Favorite Food: Chinese or Italian
14. Been to Antarctica? um, no...why would i want to?
15. Been toilet papering? oh sure...
16. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? yes
17. Been in a car accident? no
18. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
19. Favorite Movie? Silence of the Lambs, Gone with the Wind
20. Favorite Holiday? Christmas
21. Favorite day of the week: Friday and Saturday
22. Favorite word or phrase: for serious
23. Favorite restaurant: hmmm...Olive Garden
24. Favorite toothpaste: whatever i have at the moment
25. Favorite flowers: roses, calla lilies, daisies
26. Favorite drink: Diet Coke, Diet Dr Pepper
27. Favorite sport to watch: football
28. Preferred type of ice cream: chocolate swiss with resee's cups mushed up in there - from Marble Slab
29. Favorite Sesame Street Character: Big Bird!
30. Disney or Warner Bros? Disney
31. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: um..Wendy's
32. When was your last hospital stay? I had outpatient surgery over Christmas Break
33. What color is your bedroom carpet? beige
34. How many times did you fail your drivers test? none
35. Who was the last person you received an e-mail from? Jessica
36. Do you sing in the shower? sometimes
37. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? I don't know...Walmart since that's where all my money goes
38. What do you do most often when you get bored? sit in front of the computer like a zombie - I have recently been reading random people's livejournals. it can be very intriguing
39. Name the person that you are friends with who lives the farthest away: um...Alyson in SC
40. Bedtime: I've been trying to get in bed around 1030 since I have to be up so friggin early
41. Who will actually fill another one of these things out? when I get bored, I will
42. Who is the person least likely to fill this out? probably everyone
43. Favorite TV show: CSI, American Idol, Trading Spouses, Super Nanny
44. Last person(s) you went out to dinner with: myself
45. Ford or Chevy? chevy
46. Mary Ann or Ginger? Ginger of course :)
47. Time when you finished this email? 903pm

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