(Yeah. Sometimes I think sentences should end in prepositions. Anyway...)
My baby (the first one) is 17 months old... almost a year and a half. Miranda Rose already thinks she's 25, of course. She begins every day with various missions, such as "Steal the Tivo remote," or "Push my bottle in my doll stroller around the kitchen table 1800 times," or "Steal my baby sister's socks, repeatedly," or the simple, "Drive mommy ape-sh*t." And she always, always accomplishes these tasks.
New skills of late include: whispering, climbing (though not on tall things yet, thankfully), taking off jacket, attempting to put on clothes, going down stairs, asking for people she wants (begins each day with "Kay-kay" and "Da-da" and asks for others as the mood strikes), making herself laugh, 'cleaning up' after eating, praying (she chants AMEN before eating until we pray with her), and totally knows how to use phones and remotes. It's craziness. Oh, and she's trying to do Tae Bo with me. It's hard for me to AMP IT UP when I am cracking up at a one year old doing the speed bag. Also, Paige taught her 'Ring Around the Rosy," so we do that about 60 bazillion times a day.
Some new words/phrases: "Yeah" (yay! Something besides NO...)... coat... bus... vroom-vroom (she has some Hot Wheels now)... TV (yikes)... ELMO (I don't know if it's new, but it has certainly become more prominent). The words are coming more quickly. What amazes me is her ability to connect ideas and memories, but I am tired and can't think of a good example right now...
I am starting to dread the terrible two thing. Miranda is still a lovely, lovable child. She hugs like no other and will chat you up all day long. But She Has a TEMPER. No patience. She is me, all over again. It's what my mother wished for me.
She is still on the bottle. Right now, I don't care. She's eating well and healthy, so if the bottle is her comfort item, as King Triton tells Ariel, "So be it!"
The little mama
She's cool like that
She looks soooo old with her hair up. I love it. And she cries at the drop of a hat now... drama queen...
Our big girl at the zoo...
Queen Bee's naptime on the bus...
And meal time on the bus. Life is hard for her...
Randa and the Capriotti girls. Also pictured: my mom, Kaity, me, daughter #1 Paige, and my SIL Gina. I can't wait until Gina adds me a niece in this picture!