Once again I'm joining the
How I Write series hosted by Ansha. It is an awesome resource to see how different writers approach this process of writing. I know I'm learning a lot. Click on the links above to see the list of all participating writers.
The whole idea of revising a novel scares me. How do I even begin to wrap my brain around something that large? Fortunately, I don't have to reinvent the wheel. Two of my favorite writers have generously shared how they revise on their blogs. Their blog series have been very helpful in helping me get a handle on this process of revising. Now, as soon as I finish drafting, I can dig into revising the novel as a whole. As I said last week, I'm not waiting to start on some of the scene by scene revisions. They seem to happen as I go along.
First, Laurie Halse Anderson shared a month's worth of revising tips on her blog. Here is
Tip # 1. It is well worth going through the entire month.
Second, Maggie Steifvator did weeklong series on revision on her blog. Actually, it might have spread more than a week, but I'm not complaining. Here's the first
post. Go check it out.
One thing I've noticed from reading lots of blogs by authors I like is that they receive lots of support and encourgement from the critique groups. I must confess I'm jealous. I have not found a critique group or even a partner yet and am feeling quite lonely. I've gotten some hints on where and how to start looking, so that is one of my next steps as a writer.
But before I do that, I'm taking part in
WriteOnCon. It's a free, online writing conference hosted by six new writers eager to share what they've learned. It runs August 10-12. It's not too late to sign up!
What is your best advice on revising?