Jan 02, 2012 11:05
Once again I find myself in a spot where I've been wanting to sit down and post something for days - probably weeks, Yet, I am just now getting to it.
I am still finding that, despite the not being able to breathe, having terrible rib and pelvic pain, having less than zero energy a lot of the time, and no desire to do anything productive other than reorganize my house over and over or wonder if I have "everything I need," my third trimester is still my favorite trimester. Maybe it's because I no longer feel like I have to actually try that hard to keep up. I'm so big, so pregnant, and so tired, that for a lot of the day-to-day stuff I used to push myself to do, I just don't really care if I get to it or not. I honestly know that if I don't rest now, and feeling super tired leaves me little or no option for much else, it's not like I'm going to get to make up for it when the bb gets here.
Which will be soon. We are officially counting days now. No, I am not due until Feb. 9, but since I had an invasive surgery in July 2010 where they actually cut into my uterus, had a look-see, and removed some fibroids, I am no longer a candidate for vaginal birth. Or even labor. No contractions can be risked, apparently. The doctors are saying 37 weeks for delivery. I will be 35 weeks on Thursday. Deep breaths. No freaking out.
We have all the essentials: car seat, bassinet, diapers, onesies, The most pressing issue right now is my cat with the broken leg that she drags all over the house (it's in a cast folks, but it's still gross because she drags is through her litter box as well). So my hubs and I are also counting the days until the cast comes off so we can clean the dragged around not-apparent-to-the-naked-eye bacteria of cat crap and urine off the carpets. (which of course we just cleaned anyway in preparation for the baby and now we have to clean again) Which is most likely going to coincide with when we bring Harper home from the hospital. JOY. At least she won't be crawling right away. But I did have a dream that she came out crawling (not, out like through the birth canal, but out like she was some weirdly super-developed baby).
Like so many others in our time, I will most likely send out text messages and do a facebook post when the bb arrives - which will not be as scheduled of an event as I thought, being that I am definitely having a c-section. Because the doctors are so concerned about me going into labor vs. bb's lung development, it could literally be a last-minute type deal.
Speaking of last-minute - D and I had a lovely 10-day staycation where we hung out with some friends and family but managed to spend Christmas day totally alone. IT WAS AWESOME. We've never done it before and chances are we won't do it again (for a very long time, anyway). I officially declare my poor abused husband the best husband ever. I don't know how he puts up with my useless, whiny self these days. :)
I am still making lists of things to do, but thankfully they are getting shorter. One thing I really want to do is write Harper a letter before she gets here and put it in her baby book. Should I tell her it's going to cost us $900/month for day care? That's $10k a year folks. Private school - ritzy Bolles private school - is $12,000 a year. yep.
But, she is honestly the biggest investment of my life, anyway. And here we go.
Until next time.