Jun 07, 2007 22:10
Since i'm still a newbie to all this, I'm still trying to get down a few things- like browsing communities, adjusting my pathetic typing skills, setting up my journal so i like how it looks (for free), yadda, yadda, yadda.
What is a minor annoyance is figuring out abbreviations and slang.
I know they seem so logical once you know what they stand for, and a lot I've figured out. Like the Doctor Who ep abbrev.s. Got that quick enough. MIAPG - got that after a bit. But some others I'm not so sure about. So here I go out on a limb, exposed and vulnerable, and ask: what about these?
OT3 (is it one, two, three?)
OTP (huh?)
gacked (like swiped or taken ??)
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated, and worthy of virtual cookies (must appease the inner Martha Stewart)