May 07, 2006 23:51
So, I haven't updated in a while, but here is a crazy El story.
Aydra and I are leaving church down in Hyde Park this morning. We just barely catch the bus and then by 45 seconds miss the train. Oh well, we think. Another one will come shortly. In the mean time on the platform across from us there is this lady who is pregnant and has a short shirt on and tight jeans with a belt. Thus, her entire bare stomach is sticking out. And she has two little boys with her who are probably 9 years-old and causing trouble.
Train car is packed with people, well there was more room in the other car, so Aydra & I hop on. Next things we notice include a "weird" smell, a lady jabbering on her cell phone, a CTA employee who doesn't seem to care, and a crazy lady with her hair disheveled and barefoot. After a stop or two, I realize (being the extremely sheltered girl I am) that the smell is two HS age boys smoking pot in the back of the car. Hello CTA officer, can we do something about that? Then the lady that is seriously on some hard drugs, spits on the ground right in front of my feet, which are in sandals. I look at her and she says, "Excuse me, Ma'am." I am thinking "Wow, Aydra & I need some drugs to fit in this car." Then a couple minutes go by and the lady starts dancing. At that point, I new she was on some serious drugs. One stop away from the school, these pot-head boys decide to go to the car in front. As they walk down the aisle, the crazy lady stops and asks how much they are selling the weed for. Conversation:
"Hey, hey, much you selling that weed for?" Crazy lady in a seductive voice.
"forty dollars."
"Oh, forty dollars, I'll give ya five." Crazy lady says seductively again.
"No, my friend he has the weed and I got gotta go."
"Well come back, cause I want some."
Did the CTA employee do anything??? NO!!!
Then we hit the campus stop and get off. As we walk away, the two pot heads get off as well. Didn't get caught by the CTA employee, might as well hit up CPD.
I guess I should appreciate the fact that I get to take college finals and not be spitting on peoples feet in public.