Bye-bye, 2017, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

Dec 31, 2017 12:31

No two ways about it, this was a really tough year. A year in which friends were lost and friends lost loved ones. And don’t get me started on politics (although I do think the tide is going to turn majorly next November).

I’m not going to say that 2018 can’t be any worse because, why tempt fate? But I will say I am pretty hopeful for the coming year. It’s already starting out with a bang with a TMBG show in Fort Lauderdale (!) and album, plus other fan club goodies. And I’m going to a wedding this summer - the first one I’ve ever been to!

One big thing I am hyped about is that the department of Vocational Rehabilitation has approved a generous voucher for new hearing aids that I’ve needed for a while. I’m pretty excited - hope the new ones can be red like the ones I have now!

Professionally, my goals are to keep working on being a better teacher, because my students deserve it. Creatively, I need to get my novel ready to be published. I know it will never be perfect, so I can’t let that stop me. I also have more outlets than ever before for both writing and drawing, so I’m going to work at doing that more. I really want to read more, too - if only there were a way to buy more time!

As far as my personal life, my parents are still my world. Mom’s having some pretty major eye surgery in just a few days, which we’re both excited and nervous about. I’m more nervous that she won’t be well enough to have it than I am about the surgery itself. Between her leg pain and her ulcer, it’s been very up and down lately, and this is like the fourth time the procedure has been rescheduled. We’re all hoping this time’s the charm.

And those are just some of the things I am looking forward to - I hope everyone has a great New Year’s Eve and that this year is good to you!


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