Jul 08, 2005 16:36
alritey..so today was a really busy day and what not..well it was crazy b/c i went w/ my step-mom and daddy to go help them apply for TVI and UNM..and it was crazy b/c like we needed to find this one building..and well we were so0o0o lost that we asked this guy..and like he told us that he was deaf..and i felt s0o0o bad and like so i knew a little bit of sign language and we talked by writing stuff down..and like it was s0o0o amazing how he had this disablilty and yet he functioned s0o0 well..and it just made me feel like a great person!!!..so then we went and ate @ this place called PepperJack Monterreys..man that place was s0o0o0o0o good..i loved it..even tho i only had a Caesar salad!..but then like i found out that miss Brit Brit and Shortcake(might) come up and see me..and i can`t wait b/c it`s gonna be fun!!! i can`t wait..and man it`s gonna be s0o0o much fun...we are gonna get wasted and party and be out all the time WoOhOo!!! well my wrist is hurting..and i`m going to finish watching Corina Corina!!