Jun 09, 2005 09:29
well things have been hella crazy lately..especially w/ Rossi..i`m really sad b/c he`s leaving for West Point on July 10!!!..i don`t wanna lose him..but everyone tells me that it`s gotta happen..and that if we are suppose to be together than maybe we will last longer than we expected!..but i don`t wanna get my hopes up and then it not be true..i just don`t wanna lose him..and i know that the time is comin up..i`m movin to Albuquerque..he`s goin to West Point...and we will be on TOTALLY different sides of the freakin country..and we promised we would talk to each other at least everyday..and as much as we can!....but i`m just s0o00o sad b/c of what has to happen. well we took my little brother Evan to the park yesterday..and we talked about what is gonna happen..and i told him to end it right then and there..but i didn`t mean it i just don`t want things to be worse ..b/c it`s hard enough letting go..and when we actually have to let go..i know i`m not gonna want to and i`m gonna be too attached ..but we talked..and cried..and held each other and said a million i love you`s..i just wish that things could be the way they were in the beginning..we were happy and so in love..and we still are..but just the fact that we know we have to let go...but i love him to death!! and i wish him the bestest in West Point..he truly deserves the best..and he`s like my best friend (after Kas and Alexa)..lol..but he has been there for me through thick and thin..and i`m just said to have to let go of him..well i guess i`ll end this mushy entry and try and update about happy things..oh..and go check out mine..Kas and Alexa`s myspace..we posted new pics...
www.myspace.com<--if you need me to help you w/ lookin @ mine..just leave a comment or i/m me