Oct 07, 2008 01:30
do things happen for a reason? maybe the reason is simply that you think them. you look for things to mean something else. so then, when something does happen that's outside of your control, you make it relate to what you want it to mean.
or maybe you dont know what you want it to mean, but the way you relate it is with a subject is how you determine a conscious awareness of your thoughts and feelings.
so are those thoughts and feelings real? or shaped? or is shaped just an insightful representation of reality previously beyond your perception?
or maybe what you "relate" is selective... you select what you want to relate because it fits to fit your thoughts or opinions or feelings on the subject.
what I'm saying is
how do you really know something? even if it's something as basic as knowing yourself, can you ever really know yourself? fully? Maybe you know a few solid boundaries, a few lines to live by. Maybe life is just nothing more than a bunch of maybes... and maybes that line up can work, and maybes that are too far of a stretch don't.... or is that too far of a stretch?