Well, the Gargoyles comic was scheduled to come out today, but apparently there was some sort of printing and/or distribution error and it's been delayed until next week. It seems like all the things I'm interested in buying lately have been delayed {g}. Fortunately, this one is only $3, so I'll still be able to afford it when it comes out ;) But it is disappointing not to have it in my hands today (or at least, in the mail on its way to me). And until I have it in my hands I can't quite believe it's really going to happen.
On the upside (for anyone on my flist who cares, which might be nobody), there's a
new interview with Greg online that shows us a few more sample pages from the comic. (At the rate we're going, I'll have seen half the book before it even gets here {g}; see this
earlier interview with more sample pages.) I still don't care for the artwork-- in places it literally makes me cringe. And I'm still not a comic book person, so the whole format is a little awkward for me. But it's Gargoyles. And if it's not new now (the first issue is mostly a recap of the last episode of the show), it promises to be new very, very soon. And we've waited ten years. Two more months won't kill me to wait for new material. It could be drawn on toilet paper and I'd probably still buy it if Greg was writing it (but I'd complain about it...)
And hint, hint... The first issue is a recap of the last episode of the show, with more background information spliced in. So a person who's never seen the show before should be able to read the comic and not be terribly confused. When the interviewer asked Greg what he'd like to say to potential readers who weren't familiar with the show, he said, "Just give it a shot. Give me three issues. If I haven’t introduced the characters in the first two and grabbed you by the throat with the third, then you know, walk away. No hard feelings. But if you give me three issues to try and hook you, I think you’ll find that it’s pretty cool."
I can't wait to be grabbed by the throat ;)