Okay, so after staying up obscenely late reading all your Wicked fic that I could find and deciding that you are awesome, I'm going to risk being a creeper and ask to be friends? ;D I love the way you write, and it seems like we have a few things in common. My superhero interests tend toward the Batman side of things, but I like Clark, too? I've done precious little reaching out to people not already on my flist these days, so in the spirit of being more social... friend?
How can I turn down someone who thinks I'm awesome? ;)
Seriously, though, I'm always happy to make new friends. Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you.
I'll admit that things haven't been very cheerful around here lately, and I haven't been writing much, but I saw Wicked twice this weekend and it made me wonder if maybe I still had a couple more fics in me... So there's maybe hope. :) In the meantime, maybe we can suggest some stories to each other?
Oh don't worry: you aren't the only one who's been uncharacteristically cheerless. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to be less so, however, so hopefully it won't bug you too much. I am jealous that you got to see it twice in one weekend! Recent convert over here, so I don't have any recommendations that you haven't surely already seen, but I'd love any recs you might have. (I found your journal through scouring the interwebs for good!fic.)
Sadly, twice in one weekend is fairly pedestrian for me. I'm kind of a lunatic. (Did you see the Broadway cast when you went, or did you see one of the tours? I will probably have an opinion on the folks you saw ;))
As you've probably discovered, there is a distinct shortage of what I'd call "hot" Elphaba/Fiyero fanfic (and, honestly, a shortage of Elphaba/Fiyero in general). But there are a handful of excellent stories. The ones that I keep on my Kindle at all times are:
The Grand Vizier of Oz - Post-Defying Gravity AU. My friend Sedri wrote this one, and it's lovely
You are all kinds of amazingified. Already had a very 'productive' (ha) evening of reading some of your recs, and I now have some for later! The only one I'd read was the first -- and already loved and fangirled and spammed my friends with it, believe me. You have good taste in friends. =)
RE: Lack of E/F, ugh, I tell you. It would be just my luck that the one. time. I not-just-tolerate-but-love the main canon pairing, I'm the only one who likes it. I normally tend toward "la la la canon is wroooong," so this is a huge shift for me, and a depressing one given how alone I seem to be. (I don't mind Elphaba/Glinda. I could see it if things had happened differently. But... but... I like the way things happened so much better.)
(Which cast did I see? *goes to check* Vicki Noon was Elphaba, Natalie Daradich was Glinda, and judging by your comment that's probably more than enough to tell you what you need to know, heh.)
Seriously, though, I'm always happy to make new friends. Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you.
I'll admit that things haven't been very cheerful around here lately, and I haven't been writing much, but I saw Wicked twice this weekend and it made me wonder if maybe I still had a couple more fics in me... So there's maybe hope. :) In the meantime, maybe we can suggest some stories to each other?
As you've probably discovered, there is a distinct shortage of what I'd call "hot" Elphaba/Fiyero fanfic (and, honestly, a shortage of Elphaba/Fiyero in general). But there are a handful of excellent stories. The ones that I keep on my Kindle at all times are:
I know there are others... I'll keep you posted when I remember them :)
[Edited to fix a link]
RE: Lack of E/F, ugh, I tell you. It would be just my luck that the one. time. I not-just-tolerate-but-love the main canon pairing, I'm the only one who likes it. I normally tend toward "la la la canon is wroooong," so this is a huge shift for me, and a depressing one given how alone I seem to be. (I don't mind Elphaba/Glinda. I could see it if things had happened differently. But... but... I like the way things happened so much better.)
(Which cast did I see? *goes to check* Vicki Noon was Elphaba, Natalie Daradich was Glinda, and judging by your comment that's probably more than enough to tell you what you need to know, heh.)
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