Halloween is definitely my favorite holiday. I love to dress up and i always do my own thing and make/put together my own costume. Store-bought is kind of lame, to me. I mean, you can buy things in a store to put together your costume, but if you are Slutty Nurse, Slutty Supergirl, or Slutty Sailor chick, chances are 9 million other people bought the same costume from the same store. There are only so many costume stores in the Auburn area, people. Surprisingly not any Sarah Palins that I saw. If I hadn't already had Amy Winehouse picked out two months ago, I totally would have rocked the Sarah Palin costume though.
Anyway, here are some pictures from the Heaven and Hell party last night. If you are my friend on facebook, check out the latest album on there for more complete coverage.
Jordan's sexy joker costume
Amy Winehouse smokin crack and drinkin herself to death! (not really, just me)
V! easily my favorite costume at the party
Bender!! Who knew engineers were this creative??