Hello all! I am super exhausted tonight so I am not going to give a full update tonight. I will update in full tomorrow sometime.
But I wanted to share the pictures from today. This afternoon, we went to the Musée D'Orsay because it was reduced price after we got out of class (5.50 instead of 7.20 euros). It was really awesome. Pictures are here:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2246322&l=89ead&id=7017887Also got some new random pictures of the city life here:
http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2246128&l=84305&id=7017887 We're going to the Louvre tomorrow after 6 (it's free for students then) and it's open til 9:45 so we get nearly four hours in the Louvre! Hurrah! Then we are going back on Sunday because it's free all day the first Sunday of the month. Update definitely after the Louvre tomorrow and fill you in on today and tomorrow!
Au revoir!