(no subject)

Jul 04, 2008 11:37

**IMPORTANT: Joe's family is opening a bakery! It's going to be uptown next to the cleaners and it's opening in August-early September, but hopefully August. And it's going to be really good because Guy, Joe's mom's fiance, was one of the head chef's at MIKES PASTRYYYY @ the north end, so he makes some kickass food. There are going to be pastries, fresh italian bread, and cakes cakes and more cakes. It's not going to be crazy expensive either, so everyone should come buy a canole when they open & visit me because I'm going to work there!!!!

Allllsooo I'm going to cosmo school!!! I'm not dropping out of rwu I'm just doing it in addition. Soo excited it's something I've always wanted to do.

Today is the 4th of July & I wish it didnt consist of visitiing a family member in a mental institution, but whatever I'm used to it by now.

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