*I* am your only true fan.

Oct 14, 2007 02:07

Dear Supernatural,

Unlike the cynical and schizophrenic gore-obsessed TWoP recapper, I knew that the crapulence of the Season 3 premiere was merely temporary. You are excellent, show, although not the most consistent. In the long run, you always pull through; wherever there's a bad episode, a truly awesome one is sure to follow. You may make us worry with your slim blonde recurring guest stars, your curious powerful fetish-weapons, and your outlandish epic spiritual storylines, but I trust you. You have never let me down. Episode 2 was everything I've ever wanted from you: hilarious, creepy as shit, intriguing, important to both the canon's past and future. And pretty boys got the crap beat out of them by girls.

I love you, show. Don't ever atop.

The Kayliesaur


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