This Money Machine Just Keeps on Rolling

Jun 22, 2007 16:07

lostwiginity tell me there's a hard rumor about Pirates 4 now. It's unlikely that Will and Elizabeth will be back, and the plotlines look like they're getting more and more ridiculous.

You know what? I'm up for it. It's completely absurd, and we probably won't get Norrington, but we won't get Elizabeth either and that makes it all better.

It'll be really interesting to see a Pirates film without Elizabeth taking over the whole damn thing. It occurs to me that after all the thought TnT gave to limiting the Jack exposure because he's such a "strong flavor to add to the stewpot" they should've been balancing Elizabeth, too. Not that she's a bad character (if a little Mary Sueish) but whenever she's on screen, it has to be all about her. At some point you just think, whatever Elizabeth. You are NOT Miss Thang.

I'm concerned that TnT aren't listed as coming back yet. I like how they write: their focus on characters, their awesome and witty (when not exposition-heavy) dialogue, and the big complicated plots that you can spend weeks deciphering. And we know how to harass them about bringing Norrington back (plus, we know they like Norrington, and JackDav).

Genre-mushing? Go for it! Myth rape? Let's do it! The franchise is so bizarre anyway, it can't get much weirder. But then again, I used to watch Xena: Warrior Princess so I'm used to using any mythological or historical reference that's even slightly appropriate, and plenty that aren't.

Really, more movies will push the fandom forward (though we might lose a lot of old folks) and we can always ignore what we don't like, anyway. All source material is fanon fodder; canon is relative. But really, the biggest thing to remember is this: PIRATES IS BETTER THAN STAR WARS. Better characters, better plots, definitely better dialogue. And if Pirates gets as big as Star Wars, you know what? I CAN GET PAID FOR WRITING FANFICTION. Yeah. I'm gonna write a Pirates novel where Norrington comes back, and there's gonna be subtext up the wazoo.

That's my vote. Give me more Pirates, bitches. I can take and twist whatever you dish out.

pirates of the caribbean, movies and tv

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