this fucking chapter i swear to god
Hopefully this will be the last revision. I really need to get some feedback. I don't know if this is too opaque, dull, confusing, etc.
Act 1Act 2, scene 1 (
2.2 REVISED, 2,200+ words. OFC + cherub with mention of YED )
Not to mention-- INFO DUMP CITY. If there is anything that doesn't track or is confusing or just plain dull, PLEASE TELL ME!!! I always make the story structure too complicated and pretentious. It's totally self-indulgent, but I want to make sure it's readable, too.
I am going to save this tab so it will pop up every time i open my browser to remind me though
hopefully the sneezing and coughing and eyeball blurring will be gone in a day or two
how's it going?
I am going to save this tab so it will pop up every time i open my browser to remind me though
*^^* ty bunches.
I hope you get better fast!
I seriously love your OFC. Like, I want to see her on screen or in graphic novel form at least. I WANT TO KNOW HER STORY ( ... )
But Balthazar! YAY!
RE: the Vessel stuff - yes, that works :)
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