We don't always live in trailers, but when we do, you still don't get to judge us.

Jul 20, 2011 20:27

I've been re-reading some Rambleverse lately, pretending that I'm going to finish the two fics left on my list, and I realized that on most of the posts where I write about McCoy in his natural habitat, I warn that the fic is not intended to be politically correct. These are the fic where I write most honestly, most personally and most realistically....

Is there a natural opposition between being honest and being politically correct?

Or am I just being defensive, assuming that my experience as a Southerner is somehow incorrect, or flawed? Not because I'm not a true Southerner, but because Southerners aren't people.

At least, not the kind of people you want to think about.

(which is some fucking bullshit.)

Yeah, I'm still pissed about this:

Possibly the image of Bones watching NASCAR with anything other than contemptuous irony is a gigantic do not want for me? [That culture is] conservative unto the point of being backwards... one that wallows in its own ignorance (elects a president who they'd like to have a beer with and mistrusts higher education). That culture feels antithetical to the IDIC that we see in Trekverse, and seeing characters that I like participating in that culture -- even implicitly -- makes me deeply uncomfortable.

It makes *me* uncomfortable, reading that comment (written by a supposedly good and conscious person) alongside this Josa fic. The fic continually breaks my heart and comments like that-- more broadly, the social attitude(s) espoused in that vile comment-- are the genesis of it.

That's okay. I've got the spoons to deal with it, and I'm sharpening the ends of all of 'em.

i'm a white girl so what motherfucker, i'm angry dammit hear me roar, st: ramble!verse, i have opinions!

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