(no subject)

Jun 13, 2011 18:10

So I've got a full plot working for Doctor Who (a proper occuring-in-the-present plot, as opposed to a hideously complicated backstory, which I also have,) and after a month-long hiatus I'm finally getting back into my Big Project of Big Doom (a compilation of several hideously complicated backstories), which overlaps with my Star Trek Rambleverse (specifically, it overlaps with Rambleverse's hideously complicated backstory), and I need to finish watching the latest season of Supernatural and repair the damage it will likely do to my headcanon/hideously complicated backstory. This is a plenty big to-do list, and I don't handle multiple fandoms very well, kthx.

So why on earth do I have the sudden urge to write purple prose about Draco Malfoy being caressed by his zombie papa* at the Final Battle?

* yes, this does involve a hideously complicated backstory. what am i, predictable or something.

don't love me i will only hurt you, bpobd, don't judge me, doctor who, star trek, supernatural, harry potter

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