Lo those many years ago
cirrocumulus asked for something to do with Kirk/Spock. I don't have the exact wording of the prompt on hand, but that's okay because the ficlet I wrote for it has nothing to do with the prompt! :D
This is technically unfinished but I'd figured I'd may as well post what I have instead of denying its existence. I'll probably be posting a lot of lame half-finished ficlets for the next few weeks. If there are any prompts from the past that you're especially disappointed that I never filled or posted, now's the time to tell me! It's possible I have a rough draft somewhere.
Spock POV, 412 words, PG, Jim + Spock
"There are less than seven hours between now and when you must arise for your shift tomorrow," Spock says. "Need I remind you that the average human male--"
"Aw, Spock, come on, by this point you know I'm better than average," Jim says. He winks at Spock and smiles; the particular configuration of this expression, including the angle of his shoulders and how he turns his head but not his torso to make eye contact, suggests to Spock that Jim intends to be 'saucy.' Jim frequently does this; he is operating under the assumption that 'sauciness' increases the efficacy of his persuasive techniques. His assumption is wrong.
"You have not slept more than five hours for every twenty-four this past week," Spock says.
"And I'm doing just fine, so obviously I'm used to it," Jim says.
"On the contrary, sleep deprivation is cumulative," says Spock. "Each period without sufficient sleep increases what is commonly referred to as 'sleep debt.' It is therefore imperative that you make a greater effort to rest for the recommended number of hours." He has said this before. Surely Jim, possessing high intelligence, remembers these facts, but his behavior has not changed. Spock is aware that repeating his actions and expecting different results is illogical, but at this point he is unusure of how to proceed.
"I get plenty of sleep," Jim says. He speaks quietly and with poor enunciation. Either his sleep deprivation has begun to affect his verbal abilities, or he does not intend to be completely heard. A third option may be that he presumes that he need not articulate in order to be understood. He is, after all, repeating himself also. These discussions have become tiresome and predictable of late.
"You do not get enough sleep," Spock says.
"Yeah, well, that's just your opinion," Jim says. He is no longer attempting to be saucy. He has ceased to make eye contact altogether, and instead focuses only on his data screen. He is perhaps attempting to dissuade Spock from the argument by casting doubt that anything will be accomplished. This technique is quite successful.
"It is not only my opinion," Spock says. "I have taken the liberty of compiling a report of your performance over the past few months."
"Wait, you what?" Jim not only turns to give Spock his full attention, he stands up. This is a very good sign. Any deviance from the previous iterations of this discussion is a good sign.
....and there it just sort of ends, because any plans I had for the ending were basically a carbon copy of this scene:
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