This plea for sympathy has been brought to you by the letters FUUUUUUUU--

Jun 15, 2010 02:44

It is hot. Oh my god it is so fucking hot. Yesterday a candy bar melted in my room. It wasn't in the light from a window, it wasn't in my pocket next to my hot hot thighs, no, it was just HANGING OUT in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and it FRICKING MELTED that is how hot it is in my house. No, the A/C isn't broken; just imagine how hot it is outside ( Read more... )

boomer, i'm angry dammit hear me roar, rant, i have opinions!, family be funny, damn dogs

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kel_reiley June 15 2010, 10:35:21 UTC
sucksville :(
we actually had a nice couple of days - i expect that to end any time soon with sweltering heat or torrential rain... possibly both at once

i haven't actually slept in the last 5 days b/c i was so hot and uncomfortable


kayliemalinza June 15 2010, 21:11:37 UTC
I heard some thunder this afternoon so hopefully the heat wave is ending. ::fingers crossed::

If it's been nice, why were you too hot to sleep? :(


kel_reiley June 15 2010, 22:21:10 UTC
it was nice outside, but it's really REALLY hot upstairs in my room :(
we have no a/c
also, that whole insomnia thing


kayliemalinza June 15 2010, 23:13:51 UTC
Do your windows open? Do you have fans? They help a lot. :/

I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE not having A/C installed, though I have been repeatedly told that many houses in the North do not.

idk if you want advice, or if you've tried this already, but:

I've found, with my insomnia, that if I try to go to sleep at a scheduled time, before I'm properly tired, I just end up lying away for hours and being irritated. So I stay up getting things done until I'm exhausted, and then I go to bed. Also if I've been in bed but not asleep for longer than an hour, I just get up, because otherwise it because a ~~thing.


kel_reiley June 16 2010, 00:02:01 UTC
windows open, fans on, Ground control to Major Tom: Commencing countdown engine's on

i've tried all ways of getting to sleep - i was up until 11am today reading and doing things around the house until i was exhausted enough that i couldn't keep my eyes open... i still didn't actually get any sleep :(


kayliemalinza June 16 2010, 06:06:49 UTC

I'm sorry, babes. How long has this been going on?


kel_reiley June 16 2010, 06:38:16 UTC
since... friday (or saturday... it's been one long day, man)

it's possible i've had about 6 non-consecutive hours of sleep that whole time


kayliemalinza June 16 2010, 09:39:16 UTC
That sounds truly awful. Maybe you've gotten more sleep than that, or else have been dropping straight into REM, or else you'd be bonkers by this point. Take care of yourself; don't hesitate to go see a doctor if this goes on much longer, ok?

(Hopefully this won't end up like that episode of House, where the Patient of the Week was an insomniac due to having the bubonic plague.)


kel_reiley June 16 2010, 10:43:16 UTC
i'm actually about to go drug myself up and try to pass out - drugged sleep is never the most restful, but i'll take unconscious over this


kayliemalinza June 17 2010, 10:02:09 UTC
Now that I know you're online again-- how was your day? Did the drugs work?


kel_reiley June 17 2010, 10:06:49 UTC
i slept the sleep of the heavily sedated
although now i'm getting the swirly lights around my vision which means MIGRAINE TIME so i gotta go get more drugs and die for a bit

night :)


jcgenzie_and_co June 16 2010, 02:32:11 UTC
It's true! From the age of 2-10 I lived in a house without air conditioning. There were really only two or three weeks out of the year I thought I was dying, the rest of the time with a fan and a cool washcloth it was bearable. Especially if you opened up at night when it got cool and then closed up during the day when it was warm.

Also though, we have basements. Which were cool even in the height of summer. If something was unbearable with heat us kids would just go down to the unfinished basement and lay on the concrete in the basement until we got bored and went outside to bear the heat again.

Also, icy pops helped quite a bit.


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