I meant to type "but that" and it ended up (because my keyboard is still suffering from the traumatic effects of The Triscuit Incident of 2007) as "butthat" and I, of course, then read it as "butt hat" and wondered is that supposed to be another name for underoos? Or are butt hats a new fashion thing?
Yes, before you ask, I should be in bed by this point. BUT! I promised myself I would type up the draft of the FINAL PART OMGOMG of that Pike/Kirk kinkmeme fic. It's abominally sucky, of course, but abominally sucky drafts are the first step to greatness. Or the first step to frickin' finishing something, at least. [insert self-critical hand-wringing here]
BECAUSE I AM CRUEL I'm going to post a snippet.
104 words, rated G, Jim wishes it were Kirk/Pike
Jim knows he'll get a glare if he says anything now, but he wants to put an arm around Pike's shoulders and say, Go with the flow, Chris. It's not so bad. They don't want us to die and everyone here smells so nice. It's true. The priestess has a sort of citrusy scent and one of her attendants smells like a honeywheat bun, crust cracked open and steaming. Jim is acting dopey, sure, but he's just susceptible to aromatherapy, is all. He's been on a spaceship for a little too long and wants nothing more than to roll around on some genuine grass.
P.S. I got my DVD and Pike figure yesterday and I thought you all would like to know that, immediately after freeing Pike from the packaging, I used the twisty bondage ties to make him a nifty headdress. He's now got a sort of radial halo like a Renaissance saint.