I'm probably being a horrible, no-good, very bad person by posting this

Jul 23, 2009 04:39

Remember that mysteriously sexless NC17 Jack/Tosh/Ianto fic I keep teasing you guys about?

Well, here's the first 520 words. PG, no spoilers, set anywheres in S2 I suppose.

Ianto kicks his flat door closed behind him and tosses his car keys. They clank in the metal bowl by the door and he pauses suddenly, hearing an unfamiliar clicking down the hallway. He turns, coat shrugged halfway off one shoulder, to see Toshiko coming from the shadows. It's her heels against his hardwood floor that go click-click.

"Er, hullo," he says.

Toshiko's smile falls off her face, leaving her mouth hanging slightly open. "You didn't know I was going to be here," she says.

Ianto blinks at her, then pulls his coat properly off his shoulders to hang it on the rack. "I did not," he says, "but of course you're welcome. Shall I put on the kettle?" His voice is rising cheerily and it's not that forced, he finds. He's unsettled somewhat to have someone besides Jack against the muted colours of his flat but Tosh's clean-cut presence is somehow complementary to the sharp lines of his skirting boards. Besides, his mother taught him all the rules of hospitality and it would do him good to keep in practice.

Toshiko follows him to the kitchen and when Ianto looks back she's got her hands clamped by her sides as if she's afraid she'll be so rude as to trail a finger on his wallpaper and leave a grease mark. "I apologize, Ianto," she's saying. "I thought you knew what was happening this afternoon. I would never just barge in."

She looks mortified so Ianto warms her with his softest smile. "Of course not," he assures her. "I assume Jack let you in?" The cupboard clatters when he reaches for the teabags.

"He told me to come here," Tosh says. She adds ruefully, already certain of the answer: "He didn't tell you?"

Ianto pulls out a chair at the table and indicates with the touch of a fingertip against her shoulderblade that she should sit in it. "He probably assumed that I would eventually return to my own flat without having to be told." His tone is light and he winks at Tosh before he turns his attention to the electric kettle.

Toshiko has a smile in her voice when she dryly clarifies, "I meant he didn't tell you that I was coming. Or why."

"Unfortunately, no. I could've gotten your favorite biscuits," Ianto says. He reaches up to pull a box from the cupboard and wave it at her. "Will Jaffa Cakes suffice?"

Tosh, easing into the kitchen chair with a nervous skitter lurking in her eyes, nods 'yes' then pops right back out of the chair as Jack walks into the kitchen. Jack, as ever, is a solid wall of Here-I-Am: all brash and broad and sculpted well. He's also naked.

Toshiko turns to face the other wall with one hand clamped across her mouth.

Ianto blinks and clutches the box of Jaffa Cakes against his chest. Naked Jack is surprising and demands attention, certainly, but Ianto notices that Jack is not precisely wearing nothing. "What is that… contraption?" he asks.

Jack grins. "Toshiko invented a sex machine!" he says proudly.

"Of course she did," says Ianto.

I kid, I kid. Really, this is almost done. I just need to provide slightly more exposition on the contraption in question, then shift the action from the kitchen to the bedroom. Once there, I have 6,500 words straight through to the end. ^^

I'm SUPPOSED to be working on schoolwork a Reboot!ST fic, so this one might've clawed its way up the procrastination pile....

I make no promises, tho. :(

mysterious sexless nc-17 jack/tosh/ianto, fic: teaser, tw: jack/tosh/ianto, torchwood

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