Mysterious sexless NC-17 fic update

Dec 03, 2008 23:34

Sheesh, I didn't realize that writing this porn would be so long and hard! Obvious innuendo is obvious. I REGRET NOTHING.

Is it supposed to make me laugh, though? Because there's this part that makes me laugh. It's actually a really important moment in the plot but I find it hilarious, mostly because it's Tosh going, "I thought I was in charge!" and Jack going, "We're just pretending you are because it's hot" and Tosh goes "But what if I want to *really* be in charge? Like, fr srs?" and Jack goes "Tough luck, toots" and Tosh goes "HOW ABOUT NOW. AM I IN CHARGE NOW?" and Jack goes "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAOMG I'M SORRY I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" and Ianto looks like this: O.O

Ooh, spoilers. My bad. ^^

Anyway. 4,445 words so far, and I'm not nearly finished. How does this happen? Hoooow?

Here's another snippet, because I feel guilty.

Rated R, 137 words

"Ianto," Tosh says quietly.

"Ah," says Ianto. "Sorry, I-" he stops, because how can he and why need he explain? Tosh is looking at him searchingly, eyes clicking back and forth across his face with a sort of wonder and a smile as if she's found a puzzle piece that fits. Ianto feels his neck and cheekbones flush because he knows what he must look like. Sometimes arousal is like falling off a cliff and Jack can stop him at the edge with one foot dangling. But how do you know, Ianto once asked petulantly, and Jack had laughed and set him at the mirror to see the flush, wide eyes, the way that Ianto's mouth fell open. There's a vein your neck that starts to jump, Jack said, then closed his teeth down over it.

wip, mysterious sexless nc-17 jack/tosh/ianto, fic: teaser, tw: jack/tosh/ianto, torchwood

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